Whew have I been busy! Last week I managed to clean the garage, the girls room and closet, little man's room, do tons of dishes and even more laundry plus the numerous errands and every day stuff. Needless to say I was exhausted!
This week my goals are:
* Clean little man's closet
* Clear out little man's dresser drawers (I def do not have clothes in there he outgrew 3 years ago!)
* Finish up my bedroom
* Clean out under my sink (HELP!!!)
* Finish up the last loads of laundry and get them all put away
* Get rid of numerous towels (I am sure we don't need 50 of them..ok I have no clue how many we actually have but its a lot!)
I am sure there will be more stuff popping up but this way I can look back and see how much I have accomplished! We still have to clear out our shed, kitchen stuff, storage, etc but at least progress is being made!
Monday, April 23, 2012
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Too much stuff!
Yesterday the girls and I spent the day cleaning their room and getting rid of obvious stuff that they don't want. My word they have too much stuff and I haven't even touched their closet yet! I am actually dreading the day where we have to actually sit down and decide item by item what they want to keep or get rid of. "A" is actually excited about picking out what she is going to sell in the yard sale we are having here soon so that makes it a bit easier. "M" and "V" on the other hand are going to fight me tooth and nail I think. Its a good thing that "S" doesn't really get a choice in the matter! I just can't wait to have The Hubby home for a consistent amount of time so I can have another pair of hands to help with all of this mess.
Anyone out there have any tips/tricks on how to make the sorting process easier? Or how to get kids to be more willing to get rid of things that you know they don't want or need?
Anyone out there have any tips/tricks on how to make the sorting process easier? Or how to get kids to be more willing to get rid of things that you know they don't want or need?
Friday, April 13, 2012
Five Question Friday
So glad to be back and joining in again! Head on over to My Little Life to read some great answers to her 5 Question Friday!
1. Who mows your grass? We have a lawn service since I am severely allergic to grass and The Hubby isn't always home.
2. Do you have a picture wall or picture gallery in your house (show us! <--- my addition to the question)? We did until we painted. We were just about to hang everything up when we found out we were moving so now I have to wait until we get all settled to enjoy them again. :(
3. What book has influenced your thinking the most? Or, what blog? (I want to read what gets people thinking!) I read for fun really. I like murder mystery so I don't think anyone wants those inspiring me to do much! As far as blogs? I like reading CleanMama to give me ideas on cleaning. She has so many ways to make cleaning go faster which with kids is a bonus!
4. Do you have allergies? If so, how do you handle it this time of year? Yep horrible ones! My main allergy is to grass, trees, & weeds so yep I am miserable right now! The Rx med I was taking is not made anymore so I swapped to another one and so far so good. I am also allergic to fruits but those I just avoid eating. :)
5. What's your go to meal to cook in an hurry? HMM Spaghetti or BBQ beef cups. Those are some of the favorites around here that are quick to make.
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, April 12, 2012
So much has happened
Whoa! So I thought I would get back to blogging but wow so much has happened lately. The hubby has been on several training courses, we went to Las Vegas and had the most wonderful time, took a trip to TX and AL to visit family over Spring Break and more!
The biggest thing is we are most likely having to move!! Holy cow we have been fortunate enough to be stationed in the same place for 12 years now so moving will be an experience for everyone. The biggest being that we have never PCS'd as a family. When the Hubby and I moved here we had a newborn, ourselves, and a itty bitty bit of furniture (maybe 2 rooms worth!). This time we are moving 12 years of furniture, clothes, toys, etc! Hmm maybe we can fit everything in under our weight limit.
Right now we are in the middle of purging tons of stuff. So far the master closet and dresser have been tackled and I am going to work on S's stuff tomorrow and then the girls will be hopefully tackled this weekend and next week. Then the garage, storage and the shed still need to be done..ugh. At least it will all be worth it in the end and I will have gotten rid of tons of stuff and when we get the new house unpacked everything will be in its own place! Bonus is blogging about it will give me motivation to actually get off my duff and get something accomplished.
I will try to be back with pictures of our trips if I can get the pictures to work right! Hope everyone is having a fantastic day!
The biggest thing is we are most likely having to move!! Holy cow we have been fortunate enough to be stationed in the same place for 12 years now so moving will be an experience for everyone. The biggest being that we have never PCS'd as a family. When the Hubby and I moved here we had a newborn, ourselves, and a itty bitty bit of furniture (maybe 2 rooms worth!). This time we are moving 12 years of furniture, clothes, toys, etc! Hmm maybe we can fit everything in under our weight limit.
Right now we are in the middle of purging tons of stuff. So far the master closet and dresser have been tackled and I am going to work on S's stuff tomorrow and then the girls will be hopefully tackled this weekend and next week. Then the garage, storage and the shed still need to be done..ugh. At least it will all be worth it in the end and I will have gotten rid of tons of stuff and when we get the new house unpacked everything will be in its own place! Bonus is blogging about it will give me motivation to actually get off my duff and get something accomplished.
I will try to be back with pictures of our trips if I can get the pictures to work right! Hope everyone is having a fantastic day!
Monday, January 16, 2012
Back to blogging???
I cannot believe it has been so long since I have been here! I had to take a break for me in all honesty. I am sorry I left so abruptly. I am going to give this a whirl again so please feel free to come back anytime!
So many things have happened! The wonderful hubby returned from a year long deployment and we are fully adjusted to the whole family life now. The kiddos are growing every single day by leaps and bounds and just continue to shock me. M is now in 6th grade and doing AWESOME! She is in the band and plays the flute. That's our artsy girl. V is in 4th grade and is soaring. Our itty bitty A started Kindergarten...WHAT??!!! She loves it and learns more and more all the time. She does get upset that she can't read signs everywhere like her big sisters though but she will get there! S is in a half day preschool program which is totally needed by both him and I. There were many days at the beginning where I wondered if I made the right decision b/c pretty much everyday was a "not good" day per his teacher but we pushed on and he has more good days than "not good" days now! He just needs structure and I am completely not a structured person!
Many home improvements have been made around here by way of paint, paint, paint oh and some knick knacks and new furniture around the house. Next up is cabinets being redone (maybe painted?), floors, new pictures hung, etc! Hopefully by the time we get ready to leave this wonderful (but far outgrown by us) house we will have everything done. Hey I said hopefully!
So enough about me what has everyone else been up to??
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Mamarazzi Monday-Pool time fun
Summertime is in full swing!!
Who would have thought I could go from this....
and this.....
to this! This little boy does not like water at all.
Not even a hug from his little cousin would work this time!
Favorite phrase of the day? "Get me out!"

PS..."M" was impossible to get good pictures of b/c she was always under water!!!
This post has been linked to Mamarazzi Monday over on Household 6 Diva! Head on over to see what other amazing Mamarazzi's have captured!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Getting to know YOU Sunday
HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to my wonderful husband! We love you so very much.
Its Sunday which means its time for another round of Getting to know You over at MannLand5! Head on over and see all the other wonderful people's answers.
1. While at the beach, pool, etc..Do you cover up your assets or show them off? UMM If I had any assets I would sure show them off! Well I take that back...one year long ago when my stomach was flat I did wear a bikini but now its a tankini all the way!
2. Road trips or Plane trips? Road trips! Nothing is more fun to me than loading everyone in the car and making impromptu stops along the way just to see what you can find.
3. I can't stand it when...? My kids scream at each other.
4. Have you ever gone topless at the beach? Nope no way no how!
5. How many blog carnivals do you do a week? 3 or 4? Some days I just cant get my brain to function so a carnival is the way to go!
6. My favorite thing about the weekend is...? Sleeping in and most weekends no dance!
7. Pancakes or waffles? Waffles. Gotta love the syrup hanging out in all the squares :)
8. Water Park or Amusement Park? Geez since I havent been to either in forever I will say water park.
Its Sunday which means its time for another round of Getting to know You over at MannLand5! Head on over and see all the other wonderful people's answers.
1. While at the beach, pool, etc..Do you cover up your assets or show them off? UMM If I had any assets I would sure show them off! Well I take that back...one year long ago when my stomach was flat I did wear a bikini but now its a tankini all the way!
2. Road trips or Plane trips? Road trips! Nothing is more fun to me than loading everyone in the car and making impromptu stops along the way just to see what you can find.
3. I can't stand it when...? My kids scream at each other.
4. Have you ever gone topless at the beach? Nope no way no how!
5. How many blog carnivals do you do a week? 3 or 4? Some days I just cant get my brain to function so a carnival is the way to go!
6. My favorite thing about the weekend is...? Sleeping in and most weekends no dance!
7. Pancakes or waffles? Waffles. Gotta love the syrup hanging out in all the squares :)
8. Water Park or Amusement Park? Geez since I havent been to either in forever I will say water park.
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