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Friday, April 9, 2010

Its Party Time!!!

Blog Party that is!!! 

Ultimate Blog Party 2010

This wonderful Blog Party is hosted by 5 Minutes for Mom.  Head on over (ok you can wait until you read my post first if you insist)and see how many new bloggers you can meet this week! 

Welcome!  My name is Lynn and have been married to my wonderful husband ,whom we will call Daddy, for 10 years now.  Wow that seems like a long time when I write it but it seems like just yesterday I met him.  We have 4 wonderful kiddos and live our life for them.  "M" is 9 and is our little ballerina.  She is on a competition dance team and is always going! Oh and yes that keeps me going too.  "V" is 8 and our sportster. She loves playing soccer whenever she gets the chance.  "A" is 3 and is older than her years.  She always comes up with some of the funniest things!  Then comes "S" who is 23 months and the only boy of the bunch.  If you want to see a sibling spoiled by his sisters well come and watch him!  He can get away with most anything once he smiles at you with what we call his "cheesy grin" which he got from Daddy!

Me you ask?  I started this blog a few months ago just as a way to keep up with the things we had been doing since with 4 kiddos my memory seems to be slipping away more and more each year day!  Now I am really enjoying writing and sharing my story with whoever may come by.  I am fortunate enough to be able to stay at home with the younger 2 while the older 2 are at school during the day and in my spare time I like to make hairbows for little girls.  It all started when I realized I was spending tons of money on bows that my girls would either lose in a day or two or they would either fall apart during the first wear.  I set out to beat those goals and so far I have!!  It has blossomed into a larger hobby and I am now making them for friends and family and also people I have never met before! I just recently received a super neat camera from Daddy and am having tons of fun learning to use it but would love to be able to really learn the ins and outs of the photography world.  Anyone wanna tutor me?? 

There are so many awesome prizes up for the winning at this year's Ultimate Blog Party but if I could only choose 3 my top three picks would be:

23 - 50.00 Gift Card from

11 - A $100 gift eCertificate to

USC 15 - $50.00 Target Gift Card
 But if for some reason those three were already chosen, I would love any of the following:  7, 49, 69, 70, 73, 96, 105, USC 4, USC 43 or anything else related to girls (ages 9, 8, & 3) and a boy (23 mos).

Ok now you can head on over to 5 Minutes for Mom and keep on reading or you can stay here for a while.  I sure don't mind!


  1. Your blog is great! Can't wait to read more, and welcome to the party.

  2. Hello! Dropping by from UBP10!

    Your 4 kiddos sound a lot like my 3. :-) I have two girls and one boy, but he's the eldest. Always on the go!

    Will be following you in your ever unfolding journey!

  3. Thanks for you allergy input! I really appreciate it a lot. Have fun at the party! I am partying too.

  4. Hi great to meet you! Sounds like you have a fabulous family! I am coming over from UBP 2010 and am now following your blog. I saw the word chaos and knew I'd fit in over here. My blog is titled A daily scoop of chaos!
    Have a great weekend!

  5. Happy UBP Party!!!! What a lovely blog you have here!!!! Following you on Google Friend Connect. You can also follow me at

    Love to see you soon....have a great weekend!

  6. HI! Good to meet you! You certainly do stay busy don't you? WOW! My daughter is going to be 3 in June and I cannot wait to enroll her in gymnastics or dance. I want her to learn so much that I can't teach her :)

    Have a great weekend!

  7. Thank you all for stopping by and visiting me! I can't wait till tomorrow to be able to catch up with everyone's blog during naptime!

  8. Hi there! I'm stopping by for the party. I love your blog and now follow. Have a great weekend! Stop in and say hi when you get a change!

  9. Nice to meet you and thanks for stopping by my blog!
    I am going to look around a little more...

  10. Cute blog!! I am coming in from the UBP10. :)
    We have 4 kiddos too and it definitely feels like chaos. Hehehe... I'm going to explore around a bit more on your blog.

    Take care!

  11. Hi there - just dropping in from the UBP! Sounds like you are a busy lady. Good luck with learning the camera; that's definitely something I would like to get better at as well.

    Enjoy the party. :)

  12. Stopping in from the party tonight. You have a very nice blog!

  13. The youngest one AND the only boy?! I bet there is a whole lotta spoiling going on there for sure!! ;-D

    Stopping in from the UBP of course!! Hope to see you at 'my place'!

  14. Hi! Nice to meet you! I live in TN as well :-). Your blog sounds wonderful and I'm excited about getting to know you better!

  15. Hi! Stopping in from UBP :) Your blog looks great and I hope your having fun with the party this week!

  16. I'm stopping by from UBP'10 to say "hi". Your design is really cute! It's nice to meet you, and I look forward to reading more of your posts.

    I'd love for you to visit my place sometime if you have the chance:

    Enjoy the party!

  17. Just dropped by from the UBP. So glad to meet you! Hope you, too, are enjoying the party!



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